Saturday, 17 December 2016

Need To Know Basis- I DONT Need To Know Lol

If you look at my pics on my profile you know they are quite tame- just a couple of boob pics- that’s it that’s all- there will never be any pussy pics - if you want to see that then you better be in // Samantha:Last week my.boyfriend decided he needed a break because he was [...]

Sometimes slips and tells me that.
(17 December 2016)

He will return everything.( Kisses etc.) When I say I love you, he doesn't say it back.
(17 December 2016)

I still love him deeply, so I still try to give him kisses, cuddle hold hands etc.
(17 December 2016)

We still live together, but he says he wants to be friends.
(17 December 2016)

Just recently he found out and said it was over.
(17 December 2016)

Regretted it as soon as it was over.
(17 December 2016)

I'm 29, he's 54. A while back ago, I had made a mistake and have a guy a bj.
(17 December 2016)

We live together and there's an age difference.
(17 December 2016)

Me and my now ex boyfriend have been together almost 6 years.
(17 December 2016)

Why are babies so hot?
(17 December 2016)

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