Tuesday, 13 December 2016

My first blog post …

and I never thought it would be on here.I have often been asked to write a blog about my sailing or skiing and have written a couple articles for magazines related to those activities over the years.S //meelp.com/blog/677067/post_3733272.html?ANON_CONFIRM=TRUE Tameika:I ve had to pee a lot more frequently than usual and sometimes I get random stomach cramps.(21 [...]

My ex is with another girl but still continues to talk to me?
(12 December 2016)

I'm so confused and don't know what I should do.
(12 December 2016)

Even when I told him not to talk to me if he's with her, he continues to try and have normal conversations with me.
(12 December 2016)

Since he couldn't respond, I get a text from him almost a week later.
(12 December 2016)

I thought he deleted my number because he's just been messaging me on Facebook.
(12 December 2016)

But I noticed on Facebook a couple days later he tagged her in a post decorating the tree, so I blocked him.
(12 December 2016)

But then a month later he'll tell me he misses me, can't move on, can't let go, etc. and say he doesn't have a GF.
(12 December 2016)

I m so confused!?
(12 December 2016)

Or if just he s just realized he s not into me like he thought he was?
(12 December 2016)

He has a pretty stressful day coming up in a few days and I m not sure if that has anything to do with it?
(12 December 2016)

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