Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Feeling burnout means your water bucket is all dried up

It comes from having too many expectations and putting forth a huge effort over a long (sometimes indefinite) span of time. No matter what, they all add up. Try it for just one evening a couple of times a month. Are you willing to try a No Expectations Day of your own?_ Kourtney:Girl I met online [...]

Recently I went to go visit my friend in the country and I realized how much I was missing out on.
(20 December 2016)

Where can be some places for me and my girlfriend to have privacy?
(20 December 2016)

How to get guy friend to fall for me?
(20 December 2016)

How can I get him to fall for me without creeping him out?
(20 December 2016)

I like him, not sure if he feels the same.
(20 December 2016)

We're both freshmen and have many similar interests.
(20 December 2016)

I have a crush on a Spanish girl?
(20 December 2016)

I feel sick when I'm away from her, even though we barely know each other.
(20 December 2016)

I don't really speak Spanish (solo un poco), but I really like this girl.
(20 December 2016)

I complimented her shirt one day and she smiled like crazy, but she could barely get words out of her mouth (she did say thank you though). She talks to all the other guys in my class fine, but she gets quiet around me.
(20 December 2016)

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