Friday, 16 December 2016

Einsam bleiben - oder heim kommen. There goes a day …

Allein sein zu Weihnachten ist sicher für die meisten Menschen sehr traurig - sie fühlen sich einsam.Merkwürdig zwar, dass ein Supermarkt dieses Thema aufgreift - mit einem polarisierenden Spot (al // Stacee:She flirted with me first and was thinking about getting into a relationship with me.(24 November 2016) Stacee:I was falling for a girl 2 years younger [...]

Like ever since I got a part-time job (which only pays like 150 - 200 a week), all my mother's been doing is whining & nagging me about my spending habits.
(15 December 2016)

I'm in my 20s and I am in graduate school.
(15 December 2016)

What can I do to improve my fallopian tube flow?
(15 December 2016)

I just need little peanut to make it all the way back down to my uterus and was hoping anyone might have some insight.
(15 December 2016)

I do not have problems conceiving, or egg health issues.
(15 December 2016)

I currently take serrapeptase, wobenzym, chinese herbal teas, and prenatals.
(15 December 2016)

Blocked tubes are not my problem, the egg making it all the way down is.
(15 December 2016)

The doctor told me everything looked fine and that the dye ran through a little slow at first, but then was normal.
(15 December 2016)

My doctor sent me to a fertility specialist to have an HSG done on my remaining tube.
(15 December 2016)

I now only have my left fallopian tube and recently was treated for an ectopic pregnancy with methotrexate.
(15 December 2016)

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