Gentleman with style,class,looks and personality seeks well kept lady of substance to form a mutual friendship with.I wrote The Science of Greatne,working on a documentary and do public speaking.Serious replies only. // Akilah:When you love someone and that person hurts you, do you tend to forgive them quickly cause you love them or [...]
It's 12:30 in the morning she's gonna have a long day tomorrow but she can't sleep.
(18 December 2016)
She said in her dream this tornado had satellite tornadoes with it and were made of fire.
(18 December 2016)
She's trying to learn more about them so she's not so afraid but I think it's making her even more scared and having nightmares.
(18 December 2016)
We only had one tornado in our life time in our town.
(18 December 2016)
Shes seen every show and movie about tornadoes and she knows the top 10 dangerous ones in history.
(18 December 2016)
She's kind of an expert on them but she's also at the same time terrified of them.
(18 December 2016)
They usually go north or west of us.
(18 December 2016)
It's rare a tornado is in this part of our state anyway.
(18 December 2016)
She's been checking the national weather services every 10 minutes it's not looking good.
(18 December 2016)
We're having tornadoes in the south right now she hopes they stay there.
(18 December 2016)
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