Friday, 16 December 2016


B2 what is a blog? // Madison:Our seven year old niece Anna is staying with my husband Steve and I til her parents get back.(24 November 2016) Corie:Should I go alone?(24 November 2016) Corie:I have another invite but I have nobody in my mind to go with me.(24 November 2016) Corie:I have been invited to a home exhibition which [...]

My man is serving overseas right now and is struggling with being away from family.
(15 December 2016)

I am a proud airforce girlfriend.I'm in the middle of finals week.
(15 December 2016)

Who the heck is badda buttb0i?
(15 December 2016)

Am I racist if i don't date white guys?
(15 December 2016)

I'm Mexican and all my class room is white, all white dudes want a date with me, I am not attracted to them, some of them smell. they call me racist but I'm not.
(15 December 2016)

I am a guy and nice guys finish.
(15 December 2016)

The girl that I love likes a girl who has DUI house arrest and probation.
(15 December 2016)

Is he playing with me or does he really like me?
(15 December 2016)

I written him a note saying i did but im not sure if he got it because i put it on his car and the wind was blowing like crazy and he was gone for like 5 days straight and when he got back he didn't say anything about my note?
(15 December 2016)

Could it be the reason im in a relationship?
(15 December 2016)

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