Sunday 16 October 2016

The one thing that we have now that we will not have in eternity

As always, Emily, just a beautiful post. I, too, squirm, fidget and wiggle in this season of learning to be still and wait. But I listen to podcasts while I work. I would be a listener, and I bet others would love it to. I figure though He wants me to keep practicing.

My dad is 56, able bodied, depends on hos parents to pay all of his bills, never had to work for anything, and yet complains so much. Why?
(6 October 2016)

Why do those who have the most complain so much?
(6 October 2016)

He also doesn't work full time and almost never has but yet he needs a nap every afternoon.
(6 October 2016)

He has never had to work for anything because my grandparents do everything for him and they are like 80. He complains so much too.
(6 October 2016)

Today is my ex girlfriends birthday, what do I do?
(6 October 2016)

A coworker suggested I get her a flower but i don t want her getting the wrong idea.
(6 October 2016)

I recently broke up with my girlfriend (just four days ago). Today is her birthday and I do feel guilty that I haven t said or done anything.
(6 October 2016)

Some weird thing in the back of my large beanie boos unicorn's head does anyone else have this?
(6 October 2016)

Best pickup line to snatch a girls number?
(6 October 2016)

Why do guys copy what you say?
(6 October 2016)


She doesn't value me at all it's like I'm her second option.
(15 October 2016)

She probably will look for me on Monday but I'm thinking of ignoring her and hiding in the library to study.
(15 October 2016)

Maybe I would be better off with no friends than friends that don't even care about me.
(15 October 2016)

She helped me once with bullying issues but when it came to the death threat she didn't even care.
(15 October 2016)

The following day I told my friend and she said if it occurs again to tell the teachers.
(15 October 2016)

She threatened to kill me with a knife if I told a teacher about an important test and she looked maniac.
(15 October 2016)

I got a death threat from one girl called Ellen that used to be my best friend.
(15 October 2016)

Thinking I should make a move?
(15 October 2016)

Yesterday we went to another scare place and she would hold my waist and wrap her whole arms around me and hold my arm.
(15 October 2016)

So we went to a couple haunted houses with all of our roommates and when she got scared she would hold on to my jacket and grab my arm.
(15 October 2016)

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