Friday 14 October 2016

Loving those we shouldn’t- is it just me?

I assume it cannot be only me, yet it certainly feels like it. [image1]To preface, I am in a situation of sorts in which I am unable to fully explore the wonders of this world- which is at times fille // Carola:She started putting in very little effort to even talk to me.(5 October 2016) Carola:She declined [...]

About a week ago, my friend (V) told me that this girl (G) wanted to know if i was single.
(14 October 2016)

Alright so im a 15 yr old sophomore guy.
(14 October 2016)

When should you call the police? In domestic situations (fight between parents)?
(14 October 2016)

It happens fairly often, as well as other extreme acts of rage by my dad.
(14 October 2016)

I am 14. I do have an older brother that is 16. What should we do in this situation?
(14 October 2016)

It calmed down after a while but I'm unsure if next time I should call the police.
(14 October 2016)

My parents got into a huge argument involving my little sister and my dad was extremely angry; he was trying to get at my sister and my mom was physically protecting her so my dad tossed my mom around a little.
(14 October 2016)

Double standard?? Between Mother and Daughter?
(14 October 2016)

And the reason she said she got mad was how double standard I am being, when other times she said anything she buys is for everybody.
(14 October 2016)

But a few days later she would get mad at me for not asking to use her perfume that morning.
(14 October 2016)

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