Sunday 2 October 2016

It has the qualities of stickiness and heaviness

Please enable JavaScript to submit this form. It has been utilized for thousands of years as a method of staying healthy, young, and vital. Ama is the by-product of inadequate digestion. In our bodies it clogs our systems and damages our tissues. It is among the most damaging of forces in our bodies and contributes to disease.

Ok so I am president of a charity organizational club at my high school that I started.
(23 September 2016)

How do I get my friend to see the light at the end of the tunnel, or to at least acknowledge that there is a light he just can't see?
(23 September 2016)

He can't motivate himself, especially not in this state.
(23 September 2016)

He says no one else can motivate him the way she did.
(23 September 2016)

He says his family doesn't support him the way she promised to support him.
(23 September 2016)

He feels like he'll never be loved and cared for the way she, supposedly, loved and cared for him again.
(23 September 2016)

One of them is getting back with her, and the other is ending it all.
(23 September 2016)

To him, there's only 2 options for the pain to end.
(23 September 2016)

He has the option to move for a while, so he can get rid of all the reminders of her, but he doesn't want to move on.
(23 September 2016)

How do I get him to acknowledge that there is a way out, and even if it's dark for a long time, eventually some light will shine through if he just keeps going?
(23 September 2016)


Her best friend is my best friend's girlfriend, so my best friend's gf and the girl talked about the date she and I went to before she left.
(1 October 2016)

Both she and i live in the same area, just go to different schools.
(1 October 2016)

Over this past summer, She and i went on two dates, made out, kissed goodbye before she left for school 6 hours away.
(1 October 2016)

But the thing is he is very talkative in class, but then he acts all shy when he isn't in that class.
(1 October 2016)

Then he always kicks my chair too.
(1 October 2016)

Then he knows it annoys me but I laugh, then he laughs.
(1 October 2016)

Like he will make sex jokes all the time, and make sex noises to.
(1 October 2016)

He is in one of m classes but he is very perverted.
(1 October 2016)

The guy I like is 17 and I'm 14, I'm a freshman, he is a junior.
(1 October 2016)

I let my friend borrow 50 dollars and it's been 6 weeks. Do you think I should ask him about it or wait? How long would you wait?
(1 October 2016)

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