Saturday 8 October 2016

I miss Once Upon a Time in Wonderland and Young Justice more than most things

Several people contacted me offering to help if we needed it and uh, we probably will indeed need it. You can, of course, go over 2k words. For artists - I, uh, I got nothing? If this is a reverse bang, you guys are up first. But you could say that you like Modern AUs._ Bari:She [...]

I can't date because of this? Help!?
(8 October 2016)

I don't get it because with people I'm very comfortable, I can strike up a convo likes it nothing.
(8 October 2016)

So I have social anxiety and I think that's a lot of the reason why I'm like this, when I'm in a group of people or on a date, idk what to say, I'm just blank and don't know what to say.
(8 October 2016)

Why do i feel as if i m the perfect girl to most guys?
(8 October 2016)

I started a light period then immediately had unprotected sex right as it started but haven't had it since. could i be pregnant?
(8 October 2016)

Is it possible I'm pregnant or did that very light 2 min period count as my month period?
(8 October 2016)

Its been a week now and i haven't had my actually normal period in over a month.
(8 October 2016)

I haven't had bleeding since those 2 min before sex which again was very light.
(8 October 2016)

We are trying to have a baby so naturally he finished inside me.
(8 October 2016)

After the restroom, I went back to having unprotected sex with my husband.
(8 October 2016)

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