Monday 17 October 2016

Generous Guy For Cute Thursday Night

Hey, I am visiting Tampa from Fort Lauderdale this Thursday night and would like the company of a sexy beautiful woman. So if you are drug and disease free, not a professional, and have a slim or athletic type of body please email me. A donation for your time will be waiting. I am [...]

What should i do to get a pair of glutes like his?
(16 October 2016)

Am I reading too much into this crush?
(16 October 2016)

So it's been 5 days and this guy she works with put in a relationship but not with her, like she hasn't accepted it yet, so is it possible I still have a chance and she might not even be with that other guy?
(16 October 2016)

I regrettably didn't ask her out she was closing up and I was on break so I just said Hi and went on my ways.
(16 October 2016)

Not even a week ago she gave me the cold shoulder until I talked to her and then she seemed really happy.
(16 October 2016)

Anyways I feel like this guy she works with has asked her out a couple weeks ago, she probably said yes because I hadn't asked her.
(16 October 2016)

Since then I've seen her 3 times she's hot and cold, she'll ignore me but lights up when I talk to her so I was confused and didn't ask her out.
(16 October 2016)

I got caught by surprised, got embarrassed and blushed, then she said bye and left.
(16 October 2016)

I think she expected me to ask her out then and there since it was so out of character for her to approach me like that.
(16 October 2016)

She was giving me a lot of eye contact and was excited talking to me.
(16 October 2016)

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