Saturday 8 October 2016

Entrepreneurs are people who listen to their inner voice and follow it

They transform their dreams in reality by working hard. They give their full attention to their work, because they love their work. Below is a collection of Inspirational quotes by Famous Entrepreneurs. These Entrepreneurs quotes will motivate you in your life to achieve success._ Kelle:I have no family…?(29 September 2016) Kelle:Shes 18 now so I’m … Continue reading Entrepreneurs are people who listen to their inner voice and follow it

I see him around campus all the time and I don't know if I should say hi or not.
(8 October 2016)

I decided not to stay in his room with him and I left him and went home.
(8 October 2016)

He seemed fine when I was talking to him, but as soon as we started walking he was stumbling everywhere.
(8 October 2016)

We kissed and danced all night and then I was walking with him back to his dorm.
(8 October 2016)

I am a freshman in college and this guy and I were talking all night and we realized we have a lot in common.
(8 October 2016)

I want him and only him?
(8 October 2016)

What should I do in this situation? Any good suggestions?
(8 October 2016)

I'm upset bc I love spending time w him . I'm having emotional problems right now idk what's wrong w me....
(8 October 2016)

Ok so I have been dating my boyfriend for nine months... he's not a morning person but I am and I'm very cuddly so every morning I will go there to take a nap.
(8 October 2016)

I kissed another guy. What should I Do?
(8 October 2016)

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