Saturday 15 October 2016

Email, chat, text friends

Hi there, thanks for checking out my post. Just looking for a lady that is intellectual and would enjoy emailing, or chatting. In a relationship myself and you can be as well…sometimes it nice to open up to a stranger about anything and not worry about judgement. Message me with whatever it that you are [...]

So I'm kinda worried it might not be my baby because since the other girl was my sister and all, I can get preganant with her kid and all.
(15 October 2016)

And like a week later I found out I was preganant.
(15 October 2016)

So I had a threesome with this boy who I met at this club, and my sister.
(15 October 2016)

My husband told me he doesn't want children after I had a miscarriage?
(15 October 2016)

I am devistated. what should I do about this?
(15 October 2016)

I love children and now he doesn't even want to adopt one.
(15 October 2016)

All my life I knew I wanted to be a mother.
(15 October 2016)

My husband and I have been married for awhile and after a miscarriage and several infertility problems he told me that he didn't want to try for any more children.
(15 October 2016)

15 year old female dating a 47 year old male?
(15 October 2016)

Like go out in public together like a couple?
(15 October 2016)

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