Saturday 15 October 2016

All images are the property of Lost Gallery and the author

Even when there is an occasional person walking about in the snap, the picture is really about the place. Here is a collection of such photographs; snapshots from a vacation or just a photo of a building, or a mountain, or a street. Maybe you’ll see something familiar._ Patience:I keep praying that God would give me [...]

I have a good life where I am and could not be happier with everything I have.
(16 October 2016)

I am a straight A student with a lot of friends.
(16 October 2016)

Whenever I think about one, I just feel kind of empty.
(16 October 2016)

Ok, I am 13 and I just want a girlfriend sooo badly.
(16 October 2016)

A girl liked me a couple of years ago, does she still like me?
(16 October 2016)

She liked me freshman year, but I haven't had any time for a girlfriend until now (junior year) it's probably too late but I like her, what do you think?
(16 October 2016)

Why Would a Guy Snapchat Me This?
(16 October 2016)

Hello there, old friend?
(16 October 2016)

Hours later, I was de-friended and banned from messaging her. (I can see her profile still). So I wonder why: Why did she behave in such an odd manner?
(16 October 2016)

I also mentioned that we were youth group mates before, and she just read the message.
(16 October 2016)

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